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Women's Health
Post Pregnancy Vaginal Rejuvenation!

Amid the euphoria of childbirth, the congratulations, celebrations and wondrous attention heaped on this new life, one important factor is too frequently overlooked: the physical recovery of the mother. A natural vaginal birth exerts extreme physical stress on the mother’s birth canal, yet it is generally assumed that she will recover with a little tender loving care and regular cups of tea. The truth is that the impact of childbirth leaves many women with a catalog of lifelong problems, including slackening of the vaginal wall, dryness, inflammation, incontinence, infection, pain, and loss of sexual confidence. And it’s not just childbirth that affects women in this way. The aging process alone brings about a natural deterioration of muscle tone in the pelvic region, while the menopause is another time of radical change in a woman’s physiology, which can take a heavy toll on the feeling and function of the vagina. All too often I meet women who are living with the symptoms of trauma and aging of the vaginal canal but have come to accept their condition as a fact of life over which they have no control. They also regard plastic surgery as a rather drastic beauty treatment. However, the truth is very different. There are numerous vaginal rejuvenation treatments that can help, without the need for invasive surgery, and I always encourage my patients to pursue them for two very important reasons. The first is to enhance their day-to-day comfort, sexual pleasure and confidence; the second is because, if left untreated, these conditions can cause extreme discomfort and develop into serious conditions like prolapse, incontinence, and infection. Vaginoplasty, or vaginal rejuvenation and tightening, is becoming more commonplace. Latest estimates state that more than 5,000 vaginal rejuvenation procedures were performed in the US in 2013 – a 44% increase on the previous year. So what does it involve? Vaginoplasty, or vaginal rejuvenation and tightening, is becoming more commonplace.  The problem of vaginal laxity: During the many years I have worked as a gynecologist and obstetrician, I have met countless women left with significant vaginal canal and pelvic floor muscle laxity after a vaginal delivery. While the tissues of the vaginal wall have some elasticity, they rarely return to their pre-birth condition. As a result, the vagina becomes looser, which can affect sexual sensitivity and make a woman feel self-conscious, as well as weakening the pelvic floor, the muscles of which are vital for bladder and bowel control. If damaged, women experience embarrassing leakage of urine (urinary incontinence) during everyday exertions like running, laughing or sneezing. Particularly traumatic vaginal deliveries can result in very uncomfortable conditions like vaginal relaxation syndrome (VRS), a loss of optimal vaginal structure from being over-stretched, vaginal vault prolapse (when the upper part of the vagina sags into or outside the vaginal canal) and bladder or rectum prolapse. During menopause, the fall in oestrogen levels, combined with the natural loss of vaginal muscle strength due to ageing (a process called vaginal atrophy), makes postmenopausal women likely to experience urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, sexual dysfunction and vaginal dryness – sometimes to a distressing degree and sometimes with additional symptoms like painful intercourse and recurrent vaginal infections. During menopause, the fall in estrogen levels, combined with the natural loss of vaginal muscle strength due to aging (a process called vaginal atrophy), makes postmenopausal women likely to experience many problems. In the past, women suffered in silence or opted for surgical correction, along with its risks of scar formation and nerve damage. However, recently developed non-surgical interventions now offer a much more accessible, pain-free solution. Vaginal rejuvenation methods: Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment that replenishes estrogen levels with identical hormones, reversing the effects of vaginal atrophy. Because bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as those naturally made by the body, BHRT can restore vaginal health to a premenopausal state, while alleviating other symptoms associated with menopause. BHRT can be administered as a pill, patch, cream or vaginal gel, making it a very convenient solution. 10% of women do not handle estrogen well and create instead carcinogenic byproducts that can affect their breasts. Women had to plunge blindly into such replacement hoping that they would be fine. Today, we can check your genes and metabolic pathways to make sure that you can handle the natural estrogens we prescribe safely. This new test is usually available only at practitioners of functional or integrative medicine. You only need to do this test once in your lifetime in order to minimize your chances of potential problems. Another method involves stimulating the production of collagen – a protein that gives skin, muscle and connective tissues strength and structure. Collagen production declines with age but a method known as ultherapy, using ultrasound, and gentle laser therapy are now being used to boost collagen production in the vagina. A small device is inserted about six centimeters into the vagina, where it warms the vaginal wall to stimulate collagen production, blood vessel growth and boost vaginal elasticity and moisture. Procedures take about 30 minutes. While these treatments are still fairly new, research shows they are proving effective. For example, a recent review cited numerous studies in which subjects reported marked improvements, including ‘significant improvement in sexual satisfaction and a decrease in urinary incontinence’, without any negative side effects. Collagen-boosting substances can also be applied directly into the vagina by the patient. The AQ vaginal rejuvenation system, for example, uses a group of specialized proteins that switch cell growth on and off. A serum containing these proteins is applied to the affected area with a simple and gentle applicator, stimulating the production of new cells and collagen. Growth factor production can also be stimulated by a blood component called platelet-rich-plasma (PRP), and this can boost tissue hydration if combined with a substance called hyaluronic acid (HA). In 2016, French researchers looked at the efficacy of PRP and HA injection for vaginal rejuvenation and found it effective at treating sexual dysfunction from vaginal laxity. And pilot studies are producing evidence that PRP and HA injections (into the vaginal wall or clitoris) might be able to improve sexual function in women with painful intercourse, via what is known as an ‘O-shot’ or ‘G-shot’.  No more suffering in silence! Long-term negative effects from the physical trauma of childbirth is not something that women should have to endure. The array of vaginal rejuvenation treatments available today is wider, more effective and more convenient than it’s ever been. As a patient, you can walk into a clinic and walk out less than an hour later with no pain, no required follow-up treatment, downtime or complicated antibiotic regime. The many patients I’ve encountered that have turned to vaginal rejuvenation say it’s helped them reclaim control of their body and regain confidence. If you’ve been suffering in silence with vaginal dysfunction, the time has come to pay yourself the attention you deserve.

February 04, 2019
Novomed Integrative Medicine
Health & Wellness Partner
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10 Teeth-tastic tips for the whole family

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile!” Annie was right on the money! No matter what clothes you wear, how you style your hair, or how much makeup you put on, it won’t matter much if your smile isn’t as dazzling. But your teeth are not just about looking good but feeling good too! There are so many reasons for you and your family to take extra care of your teeth and gums. Not only do healthy teeth look good but they’re also important for eating (duh), toothaches are horrible and there are studies that show that gum disease can lead to other bodily problems like heart disease (yikes!) Source Here are ten tips to keep the whole family smiling! 1. Make brushing an early habit for the kids Help your kids to understand the importance of clean teeth before they rot themselves with all the candy they’d want to eat. There are so many cases of children having tooth decay before they even start school. Even though kids start out with baby teeth doesn’t stop them from feeling the pain of cavities. As soon as the first tooth appears, you take care but once your kids hit around age 2 teach them to brush themselves, of course with your supervision. 2. Ask your dentist about dental sealants Dental sealants are a thin protective coating that can be applied to the chewing surface of the back teeth. These, in turn, can prevent decay in the fissures and pits since we use our molars to chew and grind food; they’re more likely to get cavities. 3. Use fluoride in moderation Fluoride is an ingredient in toothpaste and mouth rinses that help to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay. But if you use too much of it, it can cause white spots on the teeth, especially in children. This is why you only give them a pea-sized amount. 4. Brush, floss and gargle at least twice a day This is the basic of all basic words of advice. Don’t be lazy, skipping will just lead to gum disease, tooth decay and a mouth full of pain. Make sure you change your toothbrushes every three months. If you’re using electric toothbrushes replace the brush heads. In addition, if anyone gets sick, get a new brush as soon as they’re better. If anyone in your family has braces, make sure to get the special toothbrushes and any other oral hygiene tools they may need to get in between the braces. 5. Rinse your mouth out or chew sugar-free gum after eating This can help prevent food from sitting in your teeth that could cause decay. Also chewing gum can increase saliva flow, which in turn naturally washes away the bacteria and neutralize any acid that could destroy enamel. Just make sure the gum is sugar-free, this is important! 6. Shield your teeth Whether it’s sports or any other recreational activity, it’s all fun and games until some gets hurt. If anyone is on a sports team or have an active hobby, make sure they have a mouth guard. You could either buy one in a sporting goods store or ask your dentist to make a custom-fitted one. 7. No to tobacco in any and all forms Everyone knows smoking and chewing tobacco is bad for you! There are no health benefits whatsoever! Apart from lung cancer, tobacco stains teeth cause gum disease and oral cancer. If anyone is smokes or chews, quit! Also, counsel your kids to NEVER start in the first place. 8. Eat healthy and smart Essentially whatever we put in our mouths affects our overall health. Want healthy teeth and gums? Have a healthy and balanced diet! Get your grains, fruits and veggies, nuts, dairy etc. Also, load up on omega-3 fatty food as these can help reduce inflammation and reduce your risk of developing gum disease. 9. Avoid sugar When broken down, sugar becomes an acid that erodes tooth enamel which will lead to decay. Sodas, juices, candies, chocolates etc. you get the idea are pretty much no no’s. But if you must, make sure to drink PLENTY of water and brush your teeth ASAP! 10. Visit your dentist Your dentist is your best friend. They know what’s best for your teeth and will be the best person to ask to keep them healthy and sparkling. Generally, you and your family should have a check-up every 6 months but if you got some issues to check in more. After some time, plaque build-up is difficult to get rid of just by brushing or flossing so your dentist will give you a good clean up. They’ll also check in to see if you have any issues such as gum disease, bruxism (wear and tear from too grinding), interaction with medications which may cause mouth dryness and oral cancer. A lifetime of healthy gums and teeth starts with a healthy habit of a few minutes of oral hygiene each day. Make an appointment with a dentist today to get you and your family on the right path. Remember; smile while you still have teeth!  

February 04, 2019
Lifeline Hospital
Health and Wellness Partner
Here's why smoking is bad for you!

No matter how many cigarettes you smoke during the day, smoking tobacco is dangerous and has negative effects on your entire body. There is no safe way when it comes to smoking, regardless if you use a pipe, hookah, cigarette or a cigar.  According to the American Lung Association, cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients, which when they burn generate around 7.000 chemicals. From these 7.000 chemicals, at least 69 of them are can cause cancer. Cigars are known to have a higher level of toxins, carcinogens, and tar when compared to cigarettes.

February 02, 2019
Lifeline Hospital
Health & Wellness Partner
How to have a healthy Eid after a month of Ramadan fasting

After a whole month of patient self-discipline, sacrifice, and worship, the holy Ramadan ends with a glorious feast. Eid, the celebration that comes after the long fast is when both our spirit and body have already been purified. Still, going back to our normal routines may cause difficulties. Already used to the special kind of nutrition that Ramadan implies, we are now being presented with a new challenge – to return to our regular diet without exposing ourselves to the dangers of overeating, gaining weight, heartburn, and indigestion. Here’s how to keep healthy while celebrating Eid. 1. Eat to Live Instead of Living to Eat Once we go back to our pre-Ramadan eating habits, it’s highly likely that our body may experience shock. Bigger portions and more frequent meals that we return to during the holy Eid are in great contrast with the Ramadan fasting regime, and as a consequence of the sudden change, we often become fatigued and sleepy. For that reason, easing gradually into our normal eating habits is paramount. Furthermore, steering clear from fatty food, as well as sweets, will certainly lower the risk of gastric upset and flatulence. Instead of those, opt for healthier ingredient options and lighter meals. 2. Eat Less, but More Frequently If your organism is having a hard time adjusting to the regular eating times, try easing your way into Eid by eating at similar times of the day as you did during Ramadan. Just as food saturated with fat and sugar may cause disturbance to your digestive system, so can overeating. Instead of indulging your stomach with large portions of your favorite dishes right away, start will smaller plates. If those don’t satisfy your nutrition needs, try eating more frequently, every 3 or 4 hours, in order to trick your cravings and stimulate your metabolism. 3. Keep Your Diet Rich with Fibres Just because the fast is over, that doesn’t mean you should make your kitchen vegetable free. As much as greens have served well as a substitution for the wholesome meals during Ramadan, they are still an important part of a balanced and healthy diet. Both water and fibers that veggies and fruit are fulsome with will soothe your appetite and keep you hydrated the whole day long. If you haven’t already, remember to include whole grain breakfasts into your nutrition routines as well. Feel free to indulge in hearty meat dishes, but keep them in smaller portions and rethink how you prepare them – to preserve the vitamins, but eliminate fat, try baking and grilling instead of frying and overcooking. 4. Trick Your Stomach There are a couple of little tricks to help you forget all about your restless stomach. In case physical activity is not a part of your daily routines, try introducing it. Start your day with a short walk before breakfast – in addition to regulating your blood flow and calming your stomach, a morning exercise will make you feel better and, consequently, diminish your cravings. Also, remember to hydrate regularly and to drink a cup or two of water before the meal. When eating, take a moment to savor the food. By chewing longer and properly, you’ll avoid the risk of overeating. Lower your cutlery when feeling “not hungry”, rather than when feeling “full”, and if the juicy taste in your mouth tempts you to have another bite, eliminate it with something refreshing, like minty chewing gum or a mouth wash. 5. Get To Know Your Real Cravings Nutritious and wholesome, fast-breaking dates are perfect for recharging your energy and avoiding temptations during Ramadan. But once Eid is here, dates can become an excuse to please your desires and keep munching. If not balanced and healthy, snacks will certainly make it difficult not to fall back into your old patterns. Instead of allowing them to lure you, choose a healthier alternative. To make the right choice, it’s important to learn where your cravings come from – for instance, if chocolate is everything you can think of, your organism actually needs magnesium. You can find it in 100% cocoa or dark chocolate, both of which are actually still as tasty, but way better for your organism. If the holy month of Ramadan should fortify our faith and remind us of the importance of staying humble then Eid is all about celebrating our achievements. To keep modest and healthy, preserve your fasting habits a bit longer and make one change at a time. If, however, sudden transitions in diet cause distress to your body, the specialists in gastroenterology and cardiology at our hospital are always at your disposal.

February 02, 2019
David Abousaada
Women's Health
5 Tips for Flawless Hair !

When you live in a place where seasons change four times a year, it can be quite a hassle changing up your beauty routine! Unless you’re gifted with naturally manageable hair, there are so many things to take into consideration. You’ve got to think about the weather, temperature, air and sun exposure, products to use, clothes you’ll wear, etc. Well, there’s no need to fret! Here are some tips and tricks that’ll have you covered this winter. 1. Lay on the products thick. Summer isn’t the only season where you have to worry about your hair drying out. The winter air is cold and dry and is bound to make a birds nest on the top of your head. Therefore, this season try adding heavier products into your regimen. Look for products that have Shea Butter or opt for heavy oils like castor. In addition, avoid anything that contains humectants as these reduce moisture. 2. The pre-shampoo, the wash, the deep condition and the leave in. Do you have very dry, frizzy and damaged hair? Start some new additions to your routine. Pre-poo is a treatment you apply on your hair before well, the shampoo (get it?). It could be a water-based conditioner, oil or a DIY blend that you made. It can be applied 20 min before you shampoo or even overnight if you want optimum penetration of your strands. If you’re worried about your pillows, just wear a shower cap. Pro-tip: steam your head first, add the treatment, absorb, wash, deep condition, rinse, and apply a leave-in conditioner. Yes, it seems like a lot of work but not to worry this is just recommended on a weekly basis. 3. Protect your tresses from the cold. Dry and frigid hair is not a good look. In some places, people have actually experienced the ends becoming frozen and breaking off (yikes!). The winter season just brings in some harsh conditions that are flat out not ideal for our locks. Protect yourself with a scarf, hat, hood etc. 4. Be selective about your fashion choices. As mentioned earlier, covering your hair is important but be wary about the material as that could create a whole new static mess once you take it off. You don’t want to flatten your hair and you don’t want it standing up like you just got electrocuted. Avoid rough fabrics like wool that can rub against your head. You could still rock a wool hat as long as the inside is lined with satin. 5. Seal the deal. Everyone knows the problem area for all hair types is the ends. They’re the first to get damaged, to split and break off. This is why protective styling and sealing is so important. Use a heavy oil as a leave in conditioner at the ends and style it up with a bun, braids, twists etc. Hope these tips will be helpful! How do you take care of your hair during the colder months? Know anyone who could use these suggestions? Comment in the section below!

February 02, 2019
Lifeline Hospital
Health & Wellness Partner