Arabic, English, French, German
Can see in 3 hours
Diana is an Austrian counselor. She was born and raised in Austria and received her degree in Psychology from the University of Vienna in Austria. She then lived in Paris to undertake her postgraduate studies and obtained her master degrees in Psychology from University Paris X and Saint Joseph University respectively.
Working as a counsellor since years, Diana has vast experience and is specialized in anxiety disorders (panic attacks, social anxiety, phobia, Obsessive compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder) depression, bipolar and eating disorders, relationship difficulties, identity issues. As a counsellor she supports individuals who are going through a difficult time in their life (grief and loss, low self-esteem, burn out) and support them in their personal growth.Diana has been practicing as a Counsellor in psycho-medical and psycho-social centers for adults, children and adolescents.
Diana is using up-to-date psychological treatment techniques to achieve fast results with her clients. Her approach is tailored according to the difficulties and personality of the individual. It combines a psychodynamic approach with cognitive behavioral techniques. For a sustainable support, counsellor Diana seeks to better understand the religious, cultural and social context of the person. Diana has a special interest in traumatology and the treatment of persons who have been exposed to highly stressful and traumatic events such as accidents, hospitalization, major illness, war, criminal and familial abuse and sudden unemployment. She has also worked for schools as a counsellor: Lycee Voltaire in Doha, Qatar and Ecole Saint Coeur in Beirut, Lebanon where she provided psychological assessment for children in order to better understand their cognitive and psycho-emotional functioning. Moreover, as a counsellor she is trained to use psychological and psychometrical tests (WISC IV, CAT, etc.).
Raised in a multicultural environment and being herself an expat in the Gulf region for several years, Diana understands the specific challenges that individuals can face during their transition, change and adaptation to a new culture and environment.
Diana speaks fluently French, English, German and Arabic.
Psychologue Autrichienne
Diana est une psychologue Autrichienne d’origine Libanaise. Elle est née et a grandi en Autriche ou elle a obtenu son diplôme (première partie) en Psychologie de l’Université de Vienne. Par la suite, elle a vécu à Paris puis Beyrouth en vue de poursuivre ses études et a ainsi obtenu sa Maitrise en Psychologie Clinique de l’Université Paris X et son DESS (Master) de l’Université Saint Joseph (USJ).
Diana a exercé dans différents centres psycho-médicaux et psycho-sociaux pour adultes, enfants et adolescents au Moyen-Orient ainsi que dans les pays du Golf. Elle intervient auprès des personnes qui souffrent de diverses difficultés telles que l’anxiété, les attaques de panique, la phobie, l’anxiété sociale, le trouble obsessionnel compulsif, la dépression, les troubles alimentaires et de l’humeur, les difficultés relationnelles, les questions identitaires. Elle accompagne les personnes qui traversent des moments difficiles dans leur vie (deuil et perte, baisse d’estime de soi, burn out) et les soutient dans leur développement personnel et rétablissement.
Son approche est adaptée à chaque problématique en fonction du contexte et de la personnalité du patient. Sa méthodologie se fonde sur un équilibre de thérapie centrée sur la personne, la thérapie cognitivo comportementale et le support psychosocial. Pour un traitement plus précis et profond, il lui est aussi essentiel de pouvoir prendre en considération la culture de l’individu ainsi qu’une connaissance approfondie de son contexte religieux et social. Diana porte un intérêt particulier à la traumatologie et le traitement des personnes qui ont été exposés à des événements stressants et traumatisants tels que les accidents, l’hospitalisation, les maladies chroniques, les conflits, la violence criminelle et familiale, le licenciement soudain ou tout changement brusque présent ou passe qui affecte la qualité de vie de l’individu.
Elle a également travaillé dans le milieu scolaire : Le Lycée Voltaire à Doha, Qatar et à l’École Saint-Cœur à Beyrouth, Liban où elle a établi des bilans psychologiques et utilisé des tests psychométriques (WISC IV, CAT, etc) afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement cognitif et psycho-affectif des enfants en difficultés et par conséquent adapter une approche psychologique en vue de leur rétablissement personnel.
Etant elle-même expatriée dans les pays du Golf depuis plusieurs années, Diana apporte un soutien aux expatriés et les accompagne aux épreuves parfois difficiles de changement et d’adaptation.
Diana parle le Français, l’Anglais, l’Allemand et le Libanais.
Psychologin in Dubai
Diana ist in Wien geboren und aufgewachsen und erhielt ihren Abschluss in Psychologie an der Universität Wien. Daraufhin lebte Sie in Paris und Beirut und absolvierte ihren Master Abschluss in klinischer Psychologie an den Universitäten Paris X, in Paris, und Université St. Joseph, in Beirut.
Diana hat jahrelange Erfahrung und ist spezialisiert in folgenden Gebieten: Angststörungen (wie zB. Panikattacken, soziale Angstzustände, Phobien, Zwangsstörungen, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen), Depressionen, Bipolare Störungen und Essstörungen, Beziehungsprobleme, Identitätsprobleme. Diana hat in psycho-medizinischen und psycho-sozialen Zentren für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche gearbeitet.
Sie steht Personen bei, die schwierige Momente im Leben durchqueren, wie zum Beispiel Trauer und Verlust, geringes Selbstwertgefühl oder Burn out, und fördert Sie in ihrem persönlichen Wachstum. Ihre Ansätze sind je nach Grad der Schwierigkeit und eingenständiger Charaktereingenschaften der Person zugeschnitten. Sie kombinieren einen psychodynamischen Ansatz mit kognitiven Verhaltenstechniken. Für eine nachhaltige Unterstützung strebt Diana an, den religiösen, kulturellen und sozialen Kontext der Person besser zu verstehen.
Diana hegt ein besonderes Interesse für die Traumatologie und die Behandlung von Personen, die belastende und traumatische Ereignisse wie Unfälle, Krankenhausaufenthälte, schwere Krankheiten, Krieg, kriminelle und familiäre Missbräuche und plötzliche Arbeitslosigkeit, ausgesetzt worden sind.
Sie hat ebenfalls mit Schulen zusammen gearbeitet – wie das Lycee Voltaire in Doha, Katar, oder die Ecole Saint-Coeur in Beirut, Libanon – wo sie Beratungen zur Bewältigung von Schulproblemen, Verhaltensproblemen und bei schulischen Konflikten anbot. Zur psychologischen Beurteilungen hat sie psychometrische Tests (WISC IV, CAT, etc.) durchgeführt. Durch Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen auf Übersee ist Sie gut vertraut mit den Schwierigkeiten eines Wechsel und einer Adaptierungsphase, und kann so eine ähnliche Erfahungen mit Expatriates gut nachvollziehen und professionell behandeln.
Address : JLT, Dubai
Address : Business Bay, Dubai
Choose followup only if this Doctor has recommended a followup on
your first booking or else you have attended a first booking recently.
Generally followup slots are short in duration.
Our team is constantly working to cover all insurances, please provide us with your details and we will add it to improve your experience.
Thank you for booking your appointment through Healthigo.
Healthigo strongly believes that the most important aspect of healthcare is the Patient Experience.
Please provide us with your valuable feedback so we can continue marching towards our goal; a seemless Patient Experience!
On your appointment feedback (), you indicated that you would recommend and rated the Provider services as below
On your appointment feedback( ), you indicated that you would recommend and rated the Provider services as below
This section forms the Agreement between nTegra Global Technologies FZ-LLC (NTEGRA), a Dubai, UAE based company whose registered office is at 03, In5, Knowledge Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, owner of brand “Healthigo”; and, customer signed and subscribed as Business Subscriber Entity Name as mentioned on the face of this document (“Subscriber”).
Gold Subscription : nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the dashboard with limited services including listing of employees, managing & displaying customized deals, articles, health packages, etc., for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
Platinum Subscription : nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the modules for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
Upgrades : Include any major releases of new versions, additional functionality, managed services and custom programming.
a) SOFTWARE PLATFORM : NTEGRA has launched a modular platform called Healthigo Connect which can be utilized by the Subscriber for their employee engagement activities. The platform features are subject to change without prior notification.
b) AGREEMENT TERMS : This Agreement includes 1 (One) calendar year of subscription to Healthigo Connect from the date of signing this agreement. NTEGRA and Subscriber may enter into co-marketing activities in addition to the subscription to Healthigo Prime. The Term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until terminated as provided herein.
c) COST AND PAYMENT : The cost of subscription to Healthigo Connect will be as signed off in accordance with the pricing section of this document. The payment may be made by Cheque / Bank Transfer as chosen and filled into this document. The Platinum Subscription Fee (either month or year, as applicable) of the term of this Agreement shall be paid on the Effective Date. The Referral and / or Subscription Fee for all Subscription Periods of the term of this Agreement shall fall due and payable on the first day of each subsequent Subscription Period, pursuant to subsection (F), below. The amount of the Subscription Fee does not include any applicable taxes. Client is responsible for any and all applicable taxes. The module costs are subject to change with a 15 day notice to subscriber prior to change in pricing.
d) MODULE ACTIVATION : The Gold module does not have a base subscription and is not charged. The Platinum modules is activated if this module is opted in for and paid for as per the described fees. Access to this module would not be available if this module is not opted for and only access to the Gold module will continue.
e) RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION : The Subscription automatically stands renewed at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months. If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to NTEGRA 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
f) CANCELLATION : For Gold module subscriptions, the minimum committed contract period is 12 months. Subscriber can resolve any service issues with nTegra’s customer success team and if any issue is not resolved within a period of 30 days of reporting, the subscriber may cancel the subscription with no liabilities on either side. For any of the Platinum modules, the terms and conditions of cancellation would need to be referred to the module description.
g) SUPPORT SERVICES : NTEGRA will provide telephonic & web based support for all Subscriber requests.
h) UPGRADE and ADD-ONS : Subscriptions to add-on products and services can be upgraded at any time by paying the additional fee.
i) REGULATORY APPROVALS AND FEES : Any PERMISSIONS OR FEES arising out of publishing, offers or deals and advertisements on the Healthigo platform is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.
j) CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY : “Confidential Information” and “Trade Secrets” means any and all non-public information of any form, including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Copyright Material and Software Programs and processes, provided by or on behalf of to each other or to their representatives during the validity of this agreement and for a period of 2 years after cessation of this agreement.
Both NTEGRA and SUBSCRIBER undertake to treat the Confidential Information and Trade Secrets as being strictly private to each party and shall not divulge, disclose or communicate either orally or in writing, in part or in whole, to any third party or use or exploit for any purpose, other than for the limited purpose for which it is conveyed, except with the prior written consent of each other.
By signing this agreement, I / We certify that we have read all the terms, conditions and clauses outlined above and that we agree to the aforesaid terms and conditions in full and complete.
This section forms the Agreement between nTegra Global Technologies FZ-LLC (NTEGRA), a Dubai, UAE based company whose registered office is at In5 Tech, Knowledge Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, owner of brand “Healthigo”; and, customer signed and subscribed as Business Subscriber Entity Name as mentioned on the face of this document (“Subscriber”). NTEGRA has launched a subscription based service platform called Healthigo which can be utilized by the Subscriber for their patient experience and engagement activities. The platform features are subject to change without prior notification.
xPeria Subscription : nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the dashboard with limited services including Listing of Facility & Doctors, Managing & Displaying operation timings of the facilities, doctors, departments, services, etc., and collecting patients appointments for the referral fee for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
nGage Subscription : nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the engagement dashboard for the subscription fee for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
Upgrades & Add-Ons : Includes any major releases of new versions, additional functionality, managed services and custom programming.
Agreement Validity : This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (Date of signing this Agreement) and shall continue until terminated as provided herein and shall be valid for a period of 1 (One) calendar year from the date of signing this agreement. NTEGRA and Subscriber may enter into co-marketing activities in addition to the subscription to Healthigo platform. Cost And Payment: a)The cost of subscription to the Healthigo Platform will be as signed off in accordance with the pricing section of this document. b)The payment may be made by Cheque / Bank / Online Credit Card Transfer. c)The Referral and / or Subscription Fee for all Subscription Periods of the term of this Agreement shall fall due and payable on the first day of each subsequent Subscription Period, pursuant to subsection (F), below. d)The amount of the Subscription Fee does not include any applicable taxes. Client is responsible for any and all applicable taxes. e)The pay-per-visit and subscription costs for each module are subject to change with a 15-day notice to subscriber prior to change in pricing. f)Family Doctor definition is related to General Medicine only; does not relate to Dental, Cosmetic, etc. Please refer to exclusion list, available on request. g)The Scheduling module does not have a base subscription and is charged on actual patient referrals only. h)The Engagement (nGage) subscription is activated free of cost for an initial period of 30 days from date of activation of xPeria module. Thereafter, if this module is not opted in for and paid for as per the described fees, access to this module would not be available and only access to the Scheduling (xPeria) module will continue. i)Subscriptions to add-on products and services can be upgraded at any time by paying the additional fee.
Renewal of Subscription : The platform subscription automatically stands renewed at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months. If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to NTEGRA 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
Cancellation : For Scheduling (xPeria) module subscriptions, the minimum committed contract period is 12 months. Subscriber can resolve any service issues with nTegra’s customer success team and if any issue is not resolved within a period of 30 days of reporting, the subscriber may cancel the subscription with no liabilities on either side. Subscriber may cancel subscription to the Engagement (nGage) module at any time within the initial 30-day familiarization period without any charges. If opting in for the service, after the 30 day and during the 12-month subscription period, subscriber may cancel the subscription by issuing a notice in writing 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
Support Services : NTEGRA will provide telephonic & web based support for all Subscriber requests. Regulatory Approvals and Fees: Any PERMISSIONS OR FEES arising out of publishing, offers or deals and advertisements on the Healthigo platform is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber. Marketing Rights: Subscriber gives NTEGRA the full rights to use their facility profiles, Doctor profiles and all products and service descriptions to promote their services, both through online and offline engagements.
RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION : The Subscription automatically stands renewed at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months. If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to NTEGRA 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
CANCELLATION : For Scheduling module subscriptions, the minimum committed contract period is 12 months. Subscriber can resolve any service issues with nTegra’s customer success team and if any issue is not resolved within a period of 30 days of reporting, the subscriber may cancel the subscription with no liabilities on either side. Subscriber may cancel subscription to the Engagement module at any time within the initial 60-day period without any charges. If opting in for the service, after the 60 day and during the 12-month subscription period, subscriber may cancel the subscription by issuing a notice in writing 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
UPGRADE and ADD-ONS Subscriptions to add-on products and services can be upgraded at any time by paying the additional fee.
REGULATORY APPROVALS AND FEES Any PERMISSIONS OR FEES arising out of publishing, offers or deals and advertisements on the Healthigo platform is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.
Confidentiality and Privacy : Both NTEGRA and SUBSCRIBER undertake to treat the Confidential Information, Trade Secrets and Patient Data as being strictly private to each party and shall not divulge, disclose or communicate either orally or in writing, in part or in whole, to any third party or use or exploit for any purpose, other than for the limited purpose for which it is conveyed, except with the prior written consent of each other. “Confidential Information” and “Trade Secrets” means any and all non-public information of any form, including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Data, Copyright Material and Software Programs and processes, provided by or on behalf of to each other or to their representatives during the validity of this agreement. NTEGRA shall not share Subscriber’s “Patient Data” with any third party in any manner and for any purpose without the written permission of the Subscriber, excluding as required by Laws of the land. This clause includes Patient Profiles, medical records, or any other personal data related to the Subscriber’s patients. By signing this agreement, I / We certify that we have read all the terms, conditions and clauses outlined above and that we agree to the aforesaid terms and conditions in full and complete.
Signed for and on behalf of Subscriber:
Not available for now!
Not available for now!
This section forms the Agreement between nTegra Global Technologies FZ-LLC (NTEGRA), a Dubai, UAE based company whose registered office is at In5 Tech, Knowledge Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, owner of brand “Healthigo”; and, customer signed and subscribed as Business Subscriber Entity Name as mentioned on the face of this document (“Subscriber”). NTEGRA has launched a subscription based service platform called Healthigo which can be utilized by the Subscriber for their patient experience and engagement activities. The platform features are subject to change without prior notification.
xPeria Subscription :nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the dashboard with limited services including Listing of Facility & Doctors, Managing & Displaying operation timings of the facilities, doctors, departments, services, etc., and collecting patients appointments for the referral fee for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
nGage Subscription : nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the engagement dashboard for the subscription fee for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
Upgrades & Add-Ons : Includes any major releases of new versions, additional functionality, managed services and custom programming.
Agreement Validity : This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (Date of signing this Agreement) and shall continue until terminated as provided herein and shall be valid for a period of 1 (One) calendar year from the date of signing this agreement. NTEGRA and Subscriber may enter into co-marketing activities in addition to the subscription to Healthigo platform.
Cost And Payment: a)The cost of subscription to the Healthigo Platform will be as signed off in accordance with the pricing section of this document. b)The payment may be made by Cheque / Bank / Online Credit Card Transfer. c)The Referral and / or Subscription Fee for all Subscription Periods of the term of this Agreement shall fall due and payable on the first day of each subsequent Subscription Period, pursuant to subsection (F), below. d)The amount of the Subscription Fee does not include any applicable taxes. Client is responsible for any and all applicable taxes. e)The pay-per-visit and subscription costs for each module are subject to change with a 15-day notice to subscriber prior to change in pricing. f)Family Doctor definition is related to General Medicine only; does not relate to Dental, Cosmetic, etc. Please refer to exclusion list, available on request. g)The Scheduling module does not have a base subscription and is charged on actual patient referrals only. h)The Engagement (nGage) subscription is activated free of cost for an initial period of 30 days from date of activation of xPeria module. Thereafter, if this module is not opted in for and paid for as per the described fees, access to this module would not be available and only access to the Scheduling (xPeria) module will continue. i)Subscriptions to add-on products and services can be upgraded at any time by paying the additional fee.
Renewal of Subscription : The platform subscription automatically stands renewed at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months. If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to NTEGRA 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period
Cancellation :For Scheduling (xPeria) module subscriptions, the minimum committed contract period is 12 months. Subscriber can resolve any service issues with nTegra’s customer success team and if any issue is not resolved within a period of 30 days of reporting, the subscriber may cancel the subscription with no liabilities on either side. Subscriber may cancel subscription to the Engagement (nGage) module at any time within the initial 30-day familiarization period without any charges. If opting in for the service, after the 30 day and during the 12-month subscription period, subscriber may cancel the subscription by issuing a notice in writing 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
Support Services : NTEGRA will provide telephonic & web based support for all Subscriber requests. Regulatory Approvals and Fees: Any PERMISSIONS OR FEES arising out of publishing, offers or deals and advertisements on the Healthigo platform is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber. Marketing Rights: Subscriber gives NTEGRA the full rights to use their facility profiles, Doctor profiles and all products and service descriptions to promote their services, both through online and offline engagements.
RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION : The Subscription automatically stands renewed at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months. If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to NTEGRA 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
CANCELLATION : For Scheduling module subscriptions, the minimum committed contract period is 12 months. Subscriber can resolve any service issues with nTegra’s customer success team and if any issue is not resolved within a period of 30 days of reporting, the subscriber may cancel the subscription with no liabilities on either side. Subscriber may cancel subscription to the Engagement module at any time within the initial 60-day period without any charges. If opting in for the service, after the 60 day and during the 12-month subscription period, subscriber may cancel the subscription by issuing a notice in writing 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
UPGRADE and ADD-ONS Subscriptions to add-on products and services can be upgraded at any time by paying the additional fee.
REGULATORY APPROVALS AND FEES Any PERMISSIONS OR FEES arising out of publishing, offers or deals and advertisements on the Healthigo platform is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.
Confidentiality and Privacy : Both NTEGRA and SUBSCRIBER undertake to treat the Confidential Information, Trade Secrets and Patient Data as being strictly private to each party and shall not divulge, disclose or communicate either orally or in writing, in part or in whole, to any third party or use or exploit for any purpose, other than for the limited purpose for which it is conveyed, except with the prior written consent of each other. “Confidential Information” and “Trade Secrets” means any and all non-public information of any form, including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Data, Copyright Material and Software Programs and processes, provided by or on behalf of to each other or to their representatives during the validity of this agreement. NTEGRA shall not share Subscriber’s “Patient Data” with any third party in any manner and for any purpose without the written permission of the Subscriber, excluding as required by Laws of the land. This clause includes Patient Profiles, medical records, or any other personal data related to the Subscriber’s patients. By signing this agreement, I / We certify that we have read all the terms, conditions and clauses outlined above and that we agree to the aforesaid terms and conditions in full and complete.
Signed for and on behalf of Subscriber:
This section forms the Agreement between nTegra Global Technologies FZ-LLC (NTEGRA), a Dubai, UAE based company whose registered office is at In5 Tech, Knowledge Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, owner of brand “Healthigo”; and, customer signed and subscribed as Business Subscriber Entity Name as mentioned on the face of this document (“Subscriber”).
NTEGRA has launched a subscription based service platform called Healthigo which can be utilized by the Subscriber for their patient experience and engagement activities. The platform features are subject to change without prior notification.
xPeria Subscription :nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the dashboard with limited services including Listing of Facility & Doctors, Managing & Displaying operation timings of the facilities, doctors, departments, services, etc., and collecting patients appointments for the referral fee for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
nGage Subscription : nTegra grants to Subscriber and Subscriber accepts from nTegra, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use and permit Authorized Users to access and use the engagement dashboard for the subscription fee for the duration that Subscriber has entered and agreed to pursuant to the sign up page for this Agreement.
Upgrades & Add-Ons : Includes any major releases of new versions, additional functionality, managed services and custom programming.
Agreement Validity : This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (Date of signing this Agreement) and shall continue until terminated as provided herein and shall be valid for a period of 1 (One) calendar year from the date of signing this agreement. NTEGRA and Subscriber may enter into co-marketing activities in addition to the subscription to Healthigo platform.
Cost And Payment:
a)The cost of subscription to the Healthigo Platform will be as signed off in accordance with the pricing section of this document.
b)The payment may be made by Cheque / Bank / Online Credit Card Transfer.
c)The Referral and / or Subscription Fee for all Subscription Periods of the term of this Agreement shall fall due and payable on the first day of each subsequent Subscription Period, pursuant to subsection (F), below.
d)The amount of the Subscription Fee does not include any applicable taxes. Client is responsible for any and all applicable taxes.
e)The pay-per-visit and subscription costs for each module are subject to change with a 15-day notice to subscriber prior to change in pricing.
f)Family Doctor definition is related to General Medicine only; does not relate to Dental, Cosmetic, etc. Please refer to exclusion list, available on request.
g)The Scheduling module does not have a base subscription and is charged on actual patient referrals only.
h)The Engagement (nGage) subscription is activated free of cost for an initial period of 30 days from date of activation of xPeria module. Thereafter, if this module is not opted in for and paid for as per the described fees, access to this module would not be available and only access to the Scheduling (xPeria) module will continue.
i)Subscriptions to add-on products and services can be upgraded at any time by paying the additional fee.
Renewal of Subscription : The platform subscription automatically stands renewed at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months. If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to NTEGRA 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period
Cancellation :For Scheduling (xPeria) module subscriptions, the minimum committed contract period is 12 months. Subscriber can resolve any service issues with nTegra’s customer success team and if any issue is not resolved within a period of 30 days of reporting, the subscriber may cancel the subscription with no liabilities on either side. Subscriber may cancel subscription to the Engagement (nGage) module at any time within the initial 30-day familiarization period without any charges. If opting in for the service, after the 30 day and during the 12-month subscription period, subscriber may cancel the subscription by issuing a notice in writing 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
Support Services : NTEGRA will provide telephonic & web based support for all Subscriber requests.
Regulatory Approvals and Fees:Any PERMISSIONS OR FEES arising out of publishing, offers or deals and advertisements on the Healthigo platform is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.
Marketing Rights: Subscriber gives NTEGRA the full rights to use their facility profiles, Doctor profiles and all products and service descriptions to promote their services, both through online and offline engagements.
Confidentiality and Privacy : Both NTEGRA and SUBSCRIBER undertake to treat the Confidential Information, Trade Secrets and Patient Data as being strictly private to each party and shall not divulge, disclose or communicate either orally or in writing, in part or in whole, to any third party or use or exploit for any purpose, other than for the limited purpose for which it is conveyed, except with the prior written consent of each other.
“Confidential Information” and “Trade Secrets” means any and all non-public information of any form, including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Data, Copyright Material and Software Programs and processes, provided by or on behalf of to each other or to their representatives during the validity of this agreement.
NTEGRA shall not share Subscriber’s “Patient Data” with any third party in any manner and for any purpose without the written permission of the Subscriber, excluding as required by Laws of the land. This clause includes Patient Profiles, medical records, or any other personal data related to the Subscriber’s patients.
By signing this agreement, I / We certify that we have read all the terms, conditions and clauses outlined above and that we agree to the aforesaid terms and conditions in full and complete.
Signed for and on behalf of Subscriber:
A Customer Service Executive from Healthigo will get in touch with you shortly to help you confirm your time slot.
Please keep a lookout on your Registered Mobile Number & Email ID.
Ntegra provides, and the Subscriber agrees to Services on the terms set out in this document. Services include but are not limited to :
In case of non-compliance with above, Ntegra reserves the right to terminate this agreement with no liability or any other costs on either side.
Ntegra provides, and the Subscriber agrees to the Services on the terms set out in this document attached. Services include but are not limited to :
Upon meeting the subscription criteria and receipt of payment/s by Ntegra, Subscriber will be provided access to the subscribed Services. On receipt of such access to Services, Subscriber accepts from Ntegra a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the services for the duration of this agreement.
Both Ntegra and Subscriber undertake to treat the Confidential Information, Trade Secrets as being strictly private to each party and shall not divulge, disclose or communicate either orally or in writing, in part or in whole, to any third party or use or exploit for any purpose, other than for the limited purpose for which it is conveyed, except with the prior written consent of each other.
"Confidential Information" and "Trade Secrets" means any and all non-public information of any form, including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Data, Copyright Material and Software Programs and Processes, provided by or on behalf of to each other or to their representatives during the validity of this agreement.
Ntegra will make every reasonable effort to ensure the Services perform as expected for each function, Subscriber data is available on all Ntegra and its partner / affiliate websites and mobile apps, and the functions of Healthigo platform perform to enable regular business processes.
Subscriber agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Ntegra and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, partners and affiliates harmless from and against any liabilities, losses, damages or costs, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from any claim, action, dispute, or demand related to the use of the Services and for violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or from the Subscriber’s placement, transmission or use of any materials or content on Ntegra’s servers.
To the extent permitted hereunder, and related to the Services. Ntegra and its affiliates and partners shall not be responsible to the Subscriber or any other party for any direct, indirect, arbitration award, special, consequential or punitive damages, for any loss of data, opportunities, reputation, revenues or profits.
In no event shall any arbitration award or liability of Ntegra and its partners and affiliates exceed an amount totaling to the subscription fees paid by Subscriber for the last twelve (12) months prior to a claim. This limitation of liability applies to all claims including but not limited to those mentioned above.
Any dispute, differences or controversy of whatever nature howsoever arising under or out of or in relation to this Agreement (including its interpretation) between Ntegra and Subscriber (jointly referred to as Parties), and so notified in writing by either Party to the other Party (the “Dispute”) shall, in the first instance be attempted to be resolved amicably by conciliation, and if not resolved by conciliation shall be finally decided by reference to arbitration. The Parties shall mutually appoint a sole arbitrator. If the Parties fail to mutually appoint a sole arbitrator, then each of the Party shall appoint one arbitrator and a third arbitrator shall be appointed by mutual agreement of the first two arbitrators so appointed by the Parties.
The venue of such Arbitration shall be Dubai, UAE and language of Arbitration shall be English. The arbitrators shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”) and such award shall be final and binding on the Parties, subject to the provisions in this agreement.
This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (15 days from date of signing this Agreement) and shall continue until terminated as provided herein and shall be valid for a period of 1 (One) calendar year. Module subscriptions if applicable are renewable at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months.
If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Services subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to Ntegra 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
First 6 months of subscription is mandatory to enable effective usage of the platform. Thereafter the subscriber may cancel any applicable subscription to any of the subscribed modules by giving a notice of 30 days in writing. However, in case of subscription prior to expiry of the subscription period, no refund will be payable by Ntegra to Subscriber. Any balance in the wallet will be refunded in full within a period of 30 days from the date of expiry of the subscription.
This Agreement is between Ntegra and Subscriber and supersedes all prior discussions or understandings, whether written or oral, and neither Party shall be bound by any conditions, definitions or representations other than as expressly provided for herein in writing and signed by the proper and duly authorized representatives of the Subscriber.
This Agreement may be amended only in writing forming an Addendum that specifically refers to this Agreement and is mutually accepted and signed by Ntegra and Subscriber, and no other act, document, or usage shall be deemed to amend this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates. In any case, for supervisory and injunctive relief, this Agreement and any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be subject to jurisdiction of Emirate of Dubai, UAE. The Courts in Dubai, UAE will have the exclusive jurisdiction to govern the provisions of this Agreement.
Ntegra provides, and the Subscriber agrees to Services on the terms set out in this document. Services include but are not limited to :
Hospital |
: | AED 10,000 |
Medical Center |
: | AED 5,000 |
Clinic |
: | AED 2,000 |
Both Ntegra and Subscriber undertake to treat the Confidential Information, Trade Secrets as being strictly private to each party and shall not divulge, disclose or communicate either orally or in writing, in part or in whole, to any third party or use or exploit for any purpose, other than for the limited purpose for which it is conveyed, except with the prior written consent of each other.
"Confidential Information" and "Trade Secrets" means any and all non-public information of any form, including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Data, Copyright Material and Software Programs and Processes, provided by or on behalf of to each other or to their representatives during the validity of this agreement.
Ntegra will make every reasonable effort to ensure the Services perform as expected for each function, Subscriber data is available on all Ntegra and its partner / affiliate websites and mobile apps, and the functions of Healthigo platform perform to enable regular business processes.
Subscriber agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Ntegra and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, partners and affiliates harmless from and against any liabilities, losses, damages or costs, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from any claim, action, dispute, or demand related to the use of the Services and for violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or from the Subscriber’s placement, transmission or use of any materials or content on Ntegra’s servers.
To the extent permitted hereunder, and related to the Services. Ntegra and its affiliates and partners shall not be responsible to the Subscriber or any other party for any direct, indirect, arbitration award, special, consequential or punitive damages, for any loss of data, opportunities, reputation, revenues or profits.
In no event shall any arbitration award or liability of Ntegra and its partners and affiliates exceed an amount totaling to the subscription fees paid by Subscriber for the last twelve (12) months prior to a claim. This limitation of liability applies to all claims including but not limited to those mentioned above.
Any dispute, differences or controversy of whatever nature howsoever arising under or out of or in relation to this Agreement (including its interpretation) between Ntegra and Subscriber (jointly referred to as Parties), and so notified in writing by either Party to the other Party (the “Dispute”) shall, in the first instance be attempted to be resolved amicably by conciliation, and if not resolved by conciliation shall be finally decided by reference to arbitration. The Parties shall mutually appoint a sole arbitrator. If the Parties fail to mutually appoint a sole arbitrator, then each of the Party shall appoint one arbitrator and a third arbitrator shall be appointed by mutual agreement of the first two arbitrators so appointed by the Parties.
The venue of such Arbitration shall be Dubai, UAE and language of Arbitration shall be English. The arbitrators shall make a reasoned award (the "Award") and such award shall be final and binding on the Parties, subject to the provisions in this agreement.
This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (15 days from date of signing this Agreement) and shall continue until terminated as provided herein and shall be valid for a period of 1 (One) calendar year. Module subscriptions if applicable are renewable at the end of the active subscription period and the subscriber would need to pay for the renewed period of 12 calendar months.
If the Subscriber chooses not to continue the Services subscription beyond the active subscription period, they may do so by issuing a notice in writing to Ntegra 30 days prior to expiry of subscription period.
First 6 months of subscription is mandatory to enable effective usage of the platform. Thereafter the subscriber may cancel any applicable subscription to any of the subscribed modules by giving a notice of 30 days in writing. However, in case of subscription prior to expiry of the subscription period, no refund will be payable by Ntegra to Subscriber.
This Agreement is between Ntegra and Subscriber and supersedes all prior discussions or understandings, whether written or oral, and neither Party shall be bound by any conditions, definitions or representations other than as expressly provided for herein in writing and signed by the proper and duly authorized representatives of the Subscriber.
This Agreement may be amended only in writing forming an Addendum that specifically refers to this Agreement and is mutually accepted and signed by Ntegra and Subscriber, and no other act, document, or usage shall be deemed to amend this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates. In any case, for supervisory and injunctive relief, this Agreement and any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be subject to jurisdiction of Emirate of Dubai, UAE. The Courts in Dubai, UAE will have the exclusive jurisdiction to govern the provisions of this Agreement.
Ntegra provides, and the Subscriber agrees to Services on the terms set out in this document. Services include but are not limited to :
In case of non-compliance with above, Ntegra reserves the right to terminate this agreement with no liability or any other costs on either side.