
Artificial Fat Loss: Eximia vs. Laser Liposuction

By Euromed Clinic Center, Health & Wellness Partner


Euromed Clinic Center
Health & Wellness Partner

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February 06, 2019

Fat is an important component of the human body. The presence of unwanted fat changes the body’s shape and causes other problems. Different options are available to get rid of excess localized fat deposits. The Laser Liposuction and Eximia treatment are known for their great fat loss results. Which one is right for me? Click to know the main differences and similarities.

How does Eximia Treatment Work?

Eximia is a body slimming and contouring technique often used to remove cellulite problem. Over the past years, this technique has been found quite effective in melting the unwanted fat from different areas of the body. The technology used to perform Eximia is powerful, natural, strong, and energetic.

Actually, this technique combines two remarkable patented technologies to take weight loss to a whole new level. Two devices are often used in this treatment. The first one messages drain, and tones up. However, the second one dissolves, reduces and sculpts.

How does Laser Liposuction Work?

The laser technology helps with a variety of medical treatments. It also allows for achieving various cosmetic goals. Laser liposuction is an advanced form of traditional liposuction. Here, laser technology is used to melt the stubborn fat deposits present in different parts of the body.

The procedure is similar to the traditional approach to perform liposuction but there are some differences as well. This new approach to performing liposuction makes it easy to remove the stubborn fat by melting it down with the help of laser technology.

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