
Health  Articles

Got a Missing tooth? Here’s what to do

It might have been through a sports accident, tooth decay, or a slip or fall, but if you have missing teeth then you know how much it can affect your life. Having one or more missing teeth can affect the way you talk, eat, and speak, as well as attracting some unwanted stares - especially if the gap is at the front of your mouth. However, help is at hand thanks to modern dentistry! There are a number of options that can all help improve the look of your smile. Why should I bother? Having a missing tooth can affect the rest of your teeth, too. With the gap, surrounding teeth can ‘wander’, creating gaps elsewhere and leading to potential issues with trapped food and gum disease. Without the correct support, it can also affect your muscles, creating a ‘sagged’ effect. Implants One of the most common and effective forms of dental treatment in Dubai is an implant. A titanium post is inserted into the gum, and a crown placed on top of that. The whole procedure takes two or three appointments and is permanent. Over time, the post fuses to your bone – meaning that it acts just like a natural tooth, with no stress on surrounding teeth. The crown is usually made of ceramic, lasts 10-15 years, and is easily replaced. This is also one of the most natural-looking solutions, as the crown is tailor-made for you, with a shape and color that exactly matches the missing tooth. For the best dental implants in Dubai, you should consult a specialist such as at Drs. Nicolas & Asp. Bridges Sometimes an implant isn’t the best solution. In those cases, a bridge can be a good alternative. As the name suggests, this solution creates a bridge effect – it’s achieved by creating two crowns for the surrounding teeth, with false teeth in the middle(called a pontic) where the gap is. The surrounding crowns support the bridge. The false teeth might be made of an alloy or porcelain. A bridge requires several appointments, giving enough time for the surrounding teeth to be prepared, a mold of your teeth to be taken, and the permanent bridge to be fitted and checked. All in all, this solution can last up to 15 years if you look after it well and practice good oral hygiene day-to-day. Good advice whether you have a bridge or not! Dentures If you have a lot of missing teeth or missing teeth in different parts of the mouth, then false teeth may suit you. A partial denture can have one or more false teeth on it, and it can be made entirely of plastic or plastic with wire. Both types will have clips to keep the dentures in place. Using metal means your denture is stronger and lighter. Complete dentures will replace all your teeth, whether in your upper or lower jaw. All types can be easily removed and will need to be kept clean with brushing and soaking. Even if you have full dentures, you’ll still need to brush any remaining teeth as well as your gums and tongue, to make sure mouth health is at its best.

February 06, 2019
Drs. Nicolas & Asp
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Heart failure in the young – a growing health concern

February is traditionally the month for love – that is, for expressing your love to your partner on Valentine’s Day. But there is also another heart-shaped theme taking place in February in countries around the world that aims to remind us of just how important our cardiovascular health is. That’s right, it’s Heart Month. An idea instigated in response to the stark fact that cardiovascular disease (CVD), more commonly known as heart disease, is the world’s number one killer. The risk of CVD increases with age and, indeed, heart attacks and other symptoms of the disease are generally associated with the older population. But statistics are showing increasingly that this is not always the case. An alarming number of heart disease cases now occur in younger people. Heart disease is mistakenly assumed to be a threat mainly to men. This is not the case. America’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that heart disease affects the same number of women as men each year. And female victims are also getting younger. Why are some young people now at higher risk of heart disease? Diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol are a particular problem here in the UAE, as is the associated condition of obesity. These conditions are being found increasingly in young people and research points to a familiar list of risk factors: Smoking, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Smoking is prevalent in the UAE. 2015 WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, stated that 12.5% of the young population (aged between 13 and 15) in the UAE and 20.5% of the adult population are smokers. Smoking causes considerable damage to blood vessels, leading to the build-up of plaque, which narrows and hardens the arteries, causing hypertension and restricting the flow of blood to the brain and heart, causing stroke and heart attack respectively. The evidence against smoking is damning, but not far behind comes a poor diet. Poor diet takes its toll on the heart as well as the waistline. Refined sugar passes into the bloodstream much faster than natural sugars, causing spikes in blood sugar levels, which in time can impair glucose tolerance and ultimately lead to insulin resistance, resulting in Type 2 diabetes, a condition that has been connected to CVD. In addition to the things we consume, scientists are now looking more and more at the way we spend our time – specifically, the amount of time we spend sitting down. This offers another clue as to the growing incidence of CVD in young people. Television and computers, for both work and play, have led to a more sedentary lifestyle and there is increasing evidence that this is harmful to heart health. What you can do to protect your young heart? There is a simple formula to protect your heart. Stop smoking, eat a healthy diet and take regular exercise. But if it really was that simple, wouldn’t we all be doing it? We need better education about how to lead a healthy lifestyle and more help to follow these basic principles. It is extra important that we address these issues in the young so that the behaviors that lead to poor diet, smoking and lack of exercise are not allowed to set in. First and foremost, be aware of the food you eat and the exercise you take and make Heart Month the time when you show more love to your own heart.

February 05, 2019
Novomed Integrative Medicine
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Women's Health
5 Pain Free & Safe Pregnancy Exercises!

Being physically active during pregnancy is important if you want to keep your body strong and healthy. Not only does it improve your mood and sleep, but it also relieves pain. Additionally, it works miracles for your endurance by strengthening your muscles. And, it is also good for the baby. However, being careful is also important. Even though exercising during pregnancy is safe, it should not be done excessively and recklessly. Of course, consulting your doctor and/or a professional trainer is a must. After you get the all clear, you can start working out. And speaking of, here are some of the safest and easiest types of exercises for you :  1. Stay active, go for a walk!  Pregnancy can be a long and physically difficult period for any woman. Unfortunately, many of them tend to forget that being active during these months is necessary. What they do not know is that being active doesn’t mean going for long runs or exercising for hours. It could mean going for a 20-minute walk on the treadmill. This is the simplest form of working out, and it doesn’t require much strength and effort. Even getting up and strolling around the room for a while is a great way of getting the blood flowing and burning off a few extra calories. 2. Relax at the local swimming pool! Spending time in the water is extremely relaxing. You feel light as a feather, plus you enjoy the serenity the water provides. Swimming is one of the best exercises for pregnant women, and probably one of the safest. It soothes your muscles and has great benefits for your heart, and the best part is that it doesn’t put any unnecessary strain on your joints and ligaments. Moreover, by diving into the water and swimming a few times a week, you will reduce the swelling on your whole body. If you have access to a pool, it is perfectly safe to do a bit of swimming every day, but you can increase or decrease the frequency of your training sessions – whatever works for you. 3. Start practicing Prenatal Yoga!  In case you want to do a little bit of stretching, improve your breathing technique and mentally calm yourself down, prenatal yoga is what you need. Not only does it prepare you for labour, but it also has various other health benefits. Furthermore, it will help you stay fit all throughout your pregnancy, and even after giving birth. Going back to your normal routine and activities will be a lot easier with yoga. 4. Take a spin on your indoor bike!  If you are more adventurous and you want to break a sweat, then try out indoor cycling. Why indoors? Well, it is safer, first of all. By being in one place, you do not risk falling down and causing harm to yourself and the baby. Also, you can set your own pace and work out according to your abilities. Cycling enables you to stay active, fit and it keeps your weight levels balanced. The best part is that you can do it whenever you want, no matter what the weather is like outside. However, in case you want to have some company while you train, you can go to the gym and cycle there. Just note that you need to notify your instructor about your pregnancy!  5. Get down with some squats!  Squats are probably the best preparation for labour. They should be an essential part of your pregnancy because they have so many benefits. For example, by doing squats, you increase the strength of your pelvic muscles. These are important for giving birth, as they can make it easier for you to push the baby out. Moreover, squats will make your back straight and strong, which is also crucial during labour. And lastly, they will give you a strong birthing position, if you need it. You will have higher endurance levels, as well as the ability to prepare the baby for birth when you are already in labour. Either way, squats seem like an amazing exercise full of advantages for you. That's it! These were a few highly effective and safe exercises that expecting mothers can do well into their pregnancy to stay healthy and make their pregnancy and childbirth a bit easier. Just remember not to push yourself too hard and you will be fine! 

February 05, 2019
Lifeline Hospital
Health & Wellness Partner
The Importance of Wellness Check-ups and Preventive Health Care

Almost no one likes going to the doctor, but it is something that everyone should put on the top of their priority list. Even if you feel fine and think your body is in top condition, regular wellness check-ups are extremely important. Routine check-ups can detect serious illnesses in their early stages when you are not even showing any symptoms, and that is the main reason why they are so important. For instance, if you happen to have high blood pressure, high blood sugar or high levels of cholesterol, you may not be aware of that, since the symptoms are not as pronounced in the early stages. Even a very fit and otherwise healthy person can develop certain types of cancer without even knowing it. How Can Regular Check-ups Benefit Your Health? The earlier your doctor diagnoses a certain condition and starts treating it, the better the chances are that the treatment will be as effective as possible. There are a number of tests you should do on your every check-up and those include blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, HIV test, mammogram, osteoporosis screening, genetic testing for breast or ovarian cancer for some women, and many other preventive tests. Why Should Preventive Health Care Be Your Highest Priority? The Importance of Wellness Check-ups and Preventive Health Care apart from the benefit of detecting the symptoms of a potential disease on time, preventive health care can also help you avoid the physical pain you would have to endure in case you wait for the disease to spread. You need to remember that most diseases can be prevented or cured if you address the issue early on. It can also make you feel more energetic and more functional throughout your every day, as it helps you maintain your health. It is no secret that medical care can be very expensive, so preventive health care can definitely help you save a lot of money. It is better to pay for a simple preventive procedure than to spend a fortune on the treatment of some potentially serious illness that has reached an advanced stage. What Can You Do to Stay Healthy? The Importance of Wellness Check-ups and Preventive Health Care in addition to the necessary check-ups and preventive health care, there are certain habits you can develop to ensure you remain healthy. Maintaining a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, a moderate amount of whole grains and lean protein sources, and low fat, refined sugar, and salt. Maintaining a healthy weight and drinking a lot of water is also crucial for your health, as is exercising on a regular basis. You should avoid tobacco and alcohol, and do everything you can do to reduce stress, as it is proven to be the cause of many serious illnesses. Another important thing for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is having a good night’s sleep. All of these things are absolutely essential. Your health is your greatest asset, so you must do everything you can to take proper care of it. So, find the best health care provider and start taking care of your health now.

February 05, 2019
Lifeline Hospital
Health & Wellness Partner
5 Good Ways of Avoiding Asthma Triggers

With asthma rates on a constant rise and air pollution only getting worse, scientists are taking additional effort in detecting its causes and determining all of its possibles relieves. As a long term disease infecting lungs, asthma is a continual struggle for everyone affected by it. Mostly developed in early childhood, it can also be spurred as an occupational hazard for workers exposed to industrial dust and chemicals and affect teenage smokers and people struggling with obesity. With no cure yet found, it can be only controlled, never completely healed. For that reason, getting to know the disease and triggers that induce it is of the utmost importance. Fortunately, most of the triggers causing asthma attacks are now well known and include allergens like pollen, mold, certain types of food, dust mites, and cockroaches. There are also linked to pet allergens, air pollution, and dry or humid weather. In order to keep the disease from affecting your daily routines or getting worse, be sure to avoid those at any cost. Here are some suggestions. Keep an asthma diary Not every asthma sufferer reacts to triggers with the same intensity. Consequently, the most effective way of controlling your disease is by observing its symptoms very carefully. You can, naturally, do it without the help of your doctor. With a simple asthma diary, you can record every single detail of your condition for a couple of weeks. Be sure to detect every factor, both environmental and emotional, even if it seems insignificant at the time Make your environment allergy-free Even if you spend most of your time at home, it’s quite possible that other environments play a significant part in your asthma attacks as well. By commuting, working or socializing, you are putting yourself at risk of being exposed to both allergens and pollution. Start with your own home and make it completely allergy-free by getting rid of dust mites and cockroaches, mold and vapors. Also, be sure to use your cleaning chemicals with caution. Avoid meeting your friends in fuggy restaurants and bars that allow smoking. When traveling, always bring your own bedding and, if your trip demands sleeping over in a hotel, remember to ask for a non-smoker room. Prolong your winter sleep Most asthma triggers lurk in the open air. And while, unfortunately, air pollution and cigarette smoke are unavoidable for sufferers living in the urban areas, pollen can be somewhat avoided. As it seems, it is the greatest (and the most obvious) inducer of asthma flares, and you can steer away from it by simply staying indoors during the high-risk seasons, like spring and fall. Exercising in nature can also be a problem for some asthmatics, but exercise is still the one thing you shouldn’t avoid. You can simply eliminate the attacks by taking your physical routine down a notch. Cut the smoke The risk of developing asthma is much greater with cigarette smoke, and for those already affected by it, smoking is the major trigger. However impossible it might seem, cigarette cessation is absolutely paramount if you’re struggling with asthma attacks. For non-smoker asthmatics, being around others who do smoke is just as difficult. Explain to your family and friends that asthma is a serious condition and ask them for some understanding. Stay healthy Apart from those asthma triggers, you can intentionally avoid, there are some conditions you can’t stay immune to. By affecting your body and making it weaker, infection and viruses irritate your lungs as well, thus intensifying your illness further. Every disease that affects your respiratory system, even only your sinuses, like flu and pneumonia, are certain to cause more asthma flares. For that reason, don’t forget to take precautions and always build up your immune system during flu season. Be vigilant, but calm, listen to expert advice and live by them, and in time, your symptoms will completely wear off.

February 05, 2019
Lifeline Hospital
Health & Wellness Partner