

By Sailaja Menon, Counseling Psychologist


Sailaja Menon
Counseling Psychologist

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March 11, 2019

Although holidays are an exciting and joyful time for many, it is not unusual for people to get post-holiday blues when they get back from a holiday. It can trigger symptoms of depression and anxiety for many in different degrees due to the uncertainties or their anticipations that they left behind not sorted at work or in their life

Following are a few tips to get back into the mood for work

Stay in Transit for a day: It will be beneficial if you take a “day off “or stay in transit mode for a day when you get back from your holidays. This can help to ease the transition of the post-holiday blues and also help in gathering your energy, thoughts, and schedule together to resume work.

Re-Organize your workspace: Rearrange your desk or the position of the furniture in your room, have some flowers or photos of friends and family on your desk. Set a favorite picture of your recent holiday as your screen saver.

Reevaluate your personal growth: Do you have any skills that you would like to develop further? Enroll in a certificate/continuing education course.

Set Goals: that are specific, observable, achievable within a time frame, broken down into small steps and that they are compatible with long term goals, reevaluated at specific intervals and rewarded when achieved

Conduct a realistic appraisal of your job: Evaluate if you feel passionate about your work and if it is challenging you? Request for a job review from your manager. Be assertive and request for support if you need to fulfill your responsibilities, discuss areas of work you need guidance, support, and adequate direction.

Pace and balance yourself: Take mini-breaks (5-10 minutes) through your workday. This can be refreshing and can help you focus on your job better. These breaks most often times can aid in increasing mental alertness and productivity and help to eliminate tension and stress.

Get organized: Get up earlier so you don’t have to rush; set aside time for processing email; break large projects into smaller achievable tasks.

After work activities: Enroll in sporting or social activities with friends and family so you have something to look forward to in the evenings or at weekends.

Nourish your wellbeing: Get more sleep, take part in regular exercise and eat nutritious meals these changes will help you to think more clearly and feel less stressed and more relaxed.

While it’s not unusual to feel blue when you first get back to work, it’s not usual for this feeling to continue. If you do continue to feel this way for more than two weeks and you constantly feel down and tearful for no apparent reason, please speak to someone you trust or see a Psychologist.

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